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Cohomology of groups, Hypoelliptic Fields, Diophantine approximation… A stroll through Mathematics! (March 2012)
On behalf of Mathematics and Statistics Department under the College of Arts and Sciences, you are cordially invited on a Seminar to be conducted by Dr. Aziz El Kacimi from University of Valenciennes, France
The cohomology of discrete groups is defined in purely algebraic way. One might a priori think that algebra is its unique playground, but it is not always so. The purpose of our lecture is to bring the hearer to take a short walk to see how this cohomology actually crosses various branches of mathematics (analysis, geometry, dynamical systems...). We will see this on simple and significant examples in which this object appears as an effective tool to solve some difficult problems or, at least, to formulate them in a different way to possibly attack them more easily.
For further details kindly contact Dr. Ayman Badawi [email protected]