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College / Department
Teaching areas
Thermofluid, Renewable Energy, Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics, combustion and Design and Ethics
Research areas
Thermal management of gas turbine (jet impingement, blade cooling, film cooling and cross flow heat transfer). Electronics cooling (two phase material, loop heat pipe, heat pipes, porous fin and micro-channel heat sink). Energy (innovative fuel combustion and testing such as LPG, Hydrogen, methyl ester and water diesel emulsion). Renewable Energy (solar chimney, downdraft tower and solar-hydrogen hybrid system). Cooling technology (vortex tube and phase change).
PhD, Mechanical Engineering With Focus On Thermo-fluid Area, University of Cincinnati, United States, 2003
MS, Mechanical Engineering With Focus On Thermo-fluid Area, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan, 1999
BS, Mechanical Engineering With Focus On Thermo-fluid Area, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan, 1997
Professional experience
Professor, Mechanical Engineering, American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, 2020 - Present
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, 2016 - 2020
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, UAE University, AbuDhabi, United Arab Emirates, 2013 - 2016
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, UAE University, AbuDhabi, United Arab Emirates, 2007 - 2013
Research Scientist (lead Project Engineer), General Electric Research Center, NY, United States, 2005 - 2007
Structure Analyst Engineer, Honeywell Int., CA, United States, 2003 - 2005
Adjunct Instructor, College Of Applied Science, University of Cincinnati, OH, United States, 2003 - 2003
ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers, August 2007
AIAA - American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, August 2013 - August 2014
ASES - American Solar Energy Society, May 2010 - May 2012
+971 6 515 4914
Dr. Mohammad Hamdan
PhD, University of Cincinnati, United States
Mohammad O. Hamdan has taught at College of Applied Science at University of Cincinnati. He conducted research at University of Cincinnati on loop heat pipe cooling. He worked as a structure analyst engineer with Honeywell Int., CA, USA, working on heat exchanger design. He worked as a research scientist at General Electric Research Center, NY, USA. He has taught undergraduate and graduate courses at UAE University in the thermal area. His areas of research and teaching interest are thermo-fluid, thermal system, fluid mechanics and energy.
Abdelrahman Emam, Mohammad Hamdan, Bassam Abu-nabah And Emad Elnajjar. A review on recent trends, challenges, and innovations in alkaline water electrolysis, International Journal Of Hydrogen Energy, March 2024
Abdelrahman Emam, Mohammad Hamdan, Bassam Abu-nabah And Emad Elnajjar. Enhancing alkaline water electrolysis through innovative approaches and parametric study, International Journal Of Hydrogen Energy, 15 February 2024
Mohammad Hamdan. Optical characterization of accumulated dust particles and the sustainability of transmitted solar irradiance to photovoltaic cells, Solar Energy, December 2023
S.t.p. Purayila, Mohammad Hamdan, Salah Al-omari, Mohamed Selim And Emad Elnajjr. Review of Hydrogen-Gasoline SI Dual Fuel Engines: Engine Performance and Emission, Energy Reports, December 2023
Alaa Qaisieh, Bassam Abu-nabah, Mohammad Hamdan, Abdul Hai Alami, Layla Khanfar And Laila Zaki. Optical characterization of accumulated dust particles and the sustainability of transmitted solar irradiance to photovoltaic cells, Renewable Energy, 31 October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2023
Emad Elnajjar, Amin Safi, Mohammad Hamdan, Salah Al Omari And Mohammed Khan. Numerical Analysis and Experimental Validation of the Jet Impingement Cooling of a Turbine-Blade Leading Edge at Different Rotation Speeds, International Journal Of Thermofluids, 25 September 2023
Muneer Sungur, Emad Elnajjar, Mohammad Hamdan And Salah Alomari. A numerical Analysis Investigation to optimize the Performance of the Ranque-Hilsch Vortex Tube by Changing the Internal Tapered Angle, International Journal Of Heat And Mass Transfer, 25 September 2023
Yahya Sheikh, Mohammad Hamdan And Said Sakhi. A review on micro-encapsulated phase change materials (EPCM) used for thermal management and energy storage systems: Fundamentals, materials, synthesis and applications, Journal Of Energy Storage, 27 July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2023
Assem Ahmed, Majed Wardeh, Yahya Sheikh, Abdelrahman Emam And Mohammad Hamdan. Performance of Alkaline Water Electrolysis Cell in Generating Hydrogen-Oxygen Mixture Gas under Atmospheric Pressure, May 2023
Mohammed Azzam, Mohammad Hamdan, Maen Alkhader And Frank Gerner. Thermal Management for Zero-Gravity Applications using PCM-based Plate-Fin Heatsink, 29 April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2023
Mohammed Khan, Mohammad Hamdan, Salah Al-omari And Emad Elnajjr. A comparison of oscillating sweeping jet and steady normal jet in cooling gas turbine leading edge: Numerical analysis, International Journal Of Heat And Mass Transfer, March 2023
Ahmed Elsheikh, Bassam Abu-nabah, Mohammad Hamdan And Gui-yun Tian. Infrared camera geometric calibration: A review and a precise thermal radiation checkerboard target, Sensors, 26 March 2023
Mohamed Ben Hassena, Mehdi Ghommem, Abdulrahman Aly, Mohammad Hamdan And Fehmi Najar. Design and performance analysis of a novel displacement-based temperature sensor, Technisches Messen, 1 February 2023
Mohammed Azzam, Mohammad Hamdan, Maen Alkhader And Frank Gerner. Analysis of Plate-Fin Heat Sink Infused with Phase Change Materials for Intermittent Space Missions, Journal Of Enhanced Heat Transfer, 29 January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2023
Ahmed Elsheikh, Natali Barakat, Bassam Abu-nabah And Mohammad Hamdan. Thermal diffusivity estimation in metallic alloys using a one-dimensional flux-based thermography, Infrared Physics & Technology, December 2022
Ahmad Alsaghir, Mohammad Hamdan, Mehmet Orhan And Mahmoud Awad. Numerical and Sensitivity Analyses of Various Design Parameters to Maximize Performance of a Vortex Tube, International Journal Of Thermofluids, 2022
Bahaa Abdelhamid, Ernie Tokit, Fatimah Sa’at And Mohammad Hamdan. Numerical prediction of friction factor for micro-size channel heat sink, August 2022
Khader Alsayegh, Bassam Abu-nabah, Mohammad Hamdan And Mehmet Orhan. A Novel Mathematical Zero-Dimensional Model of a Water-Based Photovoltaic-Thermal (PVT) System with Experimental Validation, Applied Solar Energy
Ahmad Alsaghir, Mohammad Hamdan And Mehmet Orhan. Fluid properties impact on energy separation in Ranque–Hilsch vortex tube, Sn Applied Sciences, 19 July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2022
Mohammad Hamdan. Effect of Air Flow Direction on Forced Convection Over a Single Fin, April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2022
Ahmad Al Saghir, Mohammad Hamdan And Mehmet Orhan. Evaluating velocity and temperature fields for Ranque–Hilsch vortex tube using numerical simulation, International Journal Of Thermofluids, 2 March 2021
Hanin Atwan, Mohammad Hamdan, Bassam Abu-nabah, Abdul Hai Alami And Mousa Attom. Experimental Evaluation of Ground Heat Exchanger in UAE, Renewable Energy, October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2020
Hanin Atwany, Mohammad Hamdan, Bassam Abu-nabah, Mousa Attom And Abdul Hai Alami. Transient 3D Numerical Simulation of Horizontal Earth Water Heat Exchanger (EWHE), Proceedings Of The International Conference On Advances In Energy Research And Applications (icaera'20), September 2020
Amin Safi, Mohammad Hamdan And Emad Elnajjar. Numerical Investigation on the Effect of Rotation on Impingement Cooling of the Gas Turbine Leading Edge, Alexandria Engineering Journal, July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2020
Natali Barakat, Jafar Mortadha, Ali Khan, Bassam Abu-nabah, Mohammad Hamdan And Samer Al-said. A one-dimensional approach towards edge crack detection and mapping using eddy current thermography, Sensors And Actuators A: Physical, 6 May 2020
Amin Safi, Mohammad Hamdan And Emad Elnajjar. Effect of Angular Velocity on Mass Fraction Distribution for Jets Impinging on Airfoil Leading-Edge Cavity, April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2020
Mohammed Al-hemyari, Mohammad Hamdan And Mehmet Orhan. Optimization of a Confined Jet Geometry to Improve Film Cooling Performance Using Response Surface Methodology (RSM), Processes, February 2020
Mohammad Hamdan, Hashem Alargha, Saud Khashan And Wasim Aziz. CFD Investigation of the Effect of Cerebral Aneurysms Size on Wall Stresses and Strain, 2019 Advances In Science And Engineering Technology International Conferences, Aset 2018, May 2019
Emad Elnajjar, Salah Al Omari, Mohammad Hamdan, Mamdouh Ghannam And Mohamed Selim. Characteristics of external furnace combustion of used lube oil with different percentages of diethyl ether additives burned with liquefied petroleum gas, Biofuels, 16 May 2019
Mohammad Hamdan, Hashem Alargha, Emad Elnajjar, Ali Hilal-alnaqbi And Waseem Aziz. Using CFD Simulation and Porous Medium Analogy to Assess Cerebral Aneurysm Hemodynamics after Endovascular Embolization, The 4th World Congress On Momentum, Heat And Mass Transfer (mhmt’19), April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2019
Mohammed Al-hemyari, Mohammad Hamdan And Mehmet Orhan. Numerical Analysis of Film Cooling Shield Formed by Confined Jet Discharging on a Flat Plate, International Journal Of Heat And Technology, March 2019
Amin Safi, Emad Elnajjar And Mohammad Hamdan. Isothermal compressed air system for internal channel cooling, Proceeding Of 2019 Advances In Science And Engineering Technology International Conferences, Aset 2018, February 2019
Salah A. B. Al Omari, Mohammad Hamdan, Mohamed Y. E. Selim And Emad Elnajjar. Combustion of jojoba-oil/diesel blends in a small scale furnace, Renewable Energy, February 2019
Mohammad Hamdan. Decaying Swirl Flow Impact on Developing Laminar Pipe Flow, 2018
Mohammad Hamdan. Tapping to Geothermal Energy through a High Performance Earth-to-Water Heat Exchanger Design, Proceeding Of The 5th International Conference On Renewable Energy: Generation And Applications (icrega'18), Alain, Uae, February 26th Till 28th, 2018, 2018
Mohammad Hamdan, Salah-a. Al-omari And Ali Oweimer. Experimental study of vortex tube energy separation under different tube design, Experimental Thermal And Fluid Science, 2018
Mohammad Hamdan, Hashem Alargha, Emad Elnajjar, Ali Hilal-alnaqbi, Amr Elshawarby And Waseem Aziz. Numerical Hemodynamics Analysis for Cerebral Aneurysm with Porous Inserts, Journal Of Porous Media, 2018
Mohammed Al-hemyari, Mohammad Hamdan And Mehmet Orhan. A numerical analysis of the slot film-cooling effectiveness, 8 June 2018
Mohammed Al-hemyari, Mohammad Hamdan And Mehmet Orhan. Numerical Analysis of Film Cooling Effectiveness under Variable Blowing Ratio and Injection Angles, April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2018
Mohammad Hamdan And Bassam Abu-nabah. Modeling meniscus rise in capillary tubes using fluid in rigid-body motion approach, Communications In Nonlinear Science And Numerical Simulation, 1 April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2018
Mohammad Hamdan, Hashem Alargha, Ali Hilal-alnaqbi And Bobby Mathew. 3D Numerical Investigating of Flow Field and Energy Separation in Counter-flow Vortex Tube, 2017
Thamer Salem, Ferina Khosroshahi, Mehmet Arik, Mohammad Hamdan And Mete Budakli. Numerical and experimental analysis of a heat-pipe-embedded printed circuit board for solid state lighting applications, Experimental Heat Transfer, 2017
S. Khashan, A. Alazzam, B. Mathew And Mohammad Hamdan. Mixture model for biomagnetic separation in microfluidic systems, Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials, 15 November 2017
Mohammad Hamdan. Numerical analysis of Enhanced Heat Transfer in Developing Laminar Pipe Flow using Decaying Swirl at the Inlet, Journal Of Enhanced Heat Transfer, 1 November 2017
Mohammad Hamdan And Bassam Abu-nabah. Solar air-conditioning: Case study of solar absorption versus photovoltaic vapor compression systems, 2017 7th International Conference On Modeling, Simulation, And Applied Optimization (icmsao), April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2017
Ahmad Hasan, Hassan Hejase, Shaimaa Abdelbaqi, Ali Assi And Mohammad Hamdan. Comparative effectiveness of different phase change materials to improve cooling performance of heat sinks for electronic devices, Applied Sciences (switzerland), 26 August 2016
Hashem Alargha, Mohammad Hamdan And Waseem Aziz. Numerical Study on the Hazards of Gravitational Forces on Cerebral Aneurysms, International Journal Of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial, Mechatronic And Manufacturing Engineering, May 2016
Hashem Alargha, Mohammad Hamdan, Amr Elshawarby And Waseem Aziz. CFD Sensitivity Study for Newtonian Viscosity Model in Cerebral Aneurysms, 2015
Mohammad Hamdan, Selim, Mohamed Y. E., Salah-a. Al-oman And Emad Elnajjar. Hydrogen supplement co-combustion with diesel in compression ignition engine, Renewable Energy, 2015
Mohammad Hamdan. Feasibility of Supporting Diesel Engine Using Solar–Hydrogen Energy Cycle, Proceeding Of The International Conference On Fluid Dynamics, Orlando, Usa, April 6-7, 2015, Icfd2015., October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2015
Mo Hamdan, P Martin, E Elnajjar, Mye Selim And S Al-omari. Diesel engine performance and emission under hydrogen supplement, 2014
A Ateeq, A Sayedna, A Alshehhi, M Alawbathani And Mohammad Hamdan. Experimentally Assessing Hydrogen-Oxygen Production Using Alkaline Fuel Cell, 2014
Salah Al-omari, Mohammad Hamdan, Mohamed Selim And Emad Elnajjar. The potential of using raw jojoba oil as fuel in furnaces, 2014
Mohammad Hamdan. An empirical correlation for isothermal parallel plate channel completely filled with porous media, Thermal Science, 2013
Mohammad Hamdan. Analysis of solar chimney power plant utilizing chimney discrete model, Renewable Energy, 2013
Emad Elnajjar, Mohammad Hamdan And Selim, Mohamed Y. E.. Experimental investigation of dual engine performance using variable LPG composition fuel, Renewable Energy, 2013
Emad Elnajjar, Mohammad Hamdan And Yousef Haik. Experimental Investigation of Internal Channel Cooling Via Jet Impingement, Fdmp-fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, 2013
Emad Elnajjar, Selim, Mohamed Y. E. And Mohammad Hamdan. Experimental study of dual fuel engine performance using variable LPG composition and engine parameters, Energy Conversion And Management, 2013
Emad Elnajjar, Yousef Haik, Mohammad Hamdan And Saud Khashan. Heat transfer characteristics of multi-walled carbon nanotubes suspension in a developing channel flow, Heat And Mass Transfer, 2013
Riad Saraiji, Mohammad Hamdan And Adnan Harb. Illuminance degradation of LED streetlighting luminaires in a hot environment, Leukos - The Journal Of The Illuminating Engineering Society Of North America, 2013
Basel Alsayyed, Mohammad Hamdan And Saud Aldajah. Vortex Tube Impact on Cooling Milling Machining, International Mechanical Engineering Congress And Exposition - 2012, Vol 3, Pts A-c: Design, Materials, And Manufacturing, October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2013
Mohammad Hamdan, Mohamed Selim, S.-a. Al Omari, Emad Elnajjar And Mamdouh Ghannam. Effect of Stabilized Water-Diesel Emulsions on External Combustion Characteristics, 14 July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2013
Mohammad Hamdan, Basel Alsayyed And Emad Elnajjar. Nozzle parameters affecting vortex tube energy separation performance, Heat And Mass Transfer, December 2012
Basel Alsayyed, Mohammad Hamdan And Emad Elnajjar Elnajjar. Optimal Parametric Model for Vortex Using DOE, August 2012
Emad Elnajjar, Mohammad Hamdan And Yousef Haik. Experimental Investigation of Impinging Jet Flow on a Heated Curved Surface, June 2012
Mohammad Hamdan And Adellean Altaher. Engineer’s View of Lectures: PowerPoint versus Chalk and Talk, 2011
Mohammad Hamdan. Analysis of a solar chimney power plant in the Arabian Gulf region, Renewable Energy, 2011
Mohammad Hamdan, Ahmad Alawar, Emad Elnajjar And Waseem Siddique. Experimental analysis on vortex tube energy separation performance, Heat And Mass Transfer: Waerme- Und Stoffuebertragung, 1 December 2011
Mohammad Hamdan, Emad Elnajjar And Yousef Haik. Measurement and Modeling of Confined Jet Discharged Tangentially on a Concave Semicylindrical Hot Surface, Journal Of Heat Transfer-transactions, October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2011
Riad Saraiji, Adnan Harb And Mohammad Hamdan. Performance of LED street lights in hot environments, Wit Transactions On The Build Environment, April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2011
Mohammad Hamdan, Ahmad Alawar, Emad Elnajjar And Waseem Seddique. Feasibility of Vortex Tube Air-Conditioning System, March 2011
Mohammad Hamdan And Moh'd Al-nimr. The Use of Porous Fins for Heat Transfer Augmentation in Parallel-Plate Channels, Transport In Porous Media, 2010
Mohammad Hamdan. Analytical Thermal Analysis of Solar Chimney Power Plant, Proceedings Of The 4th Asme International Conference On Sustainable Energy (es2010), Phoenix, Arizona, Usa, From 17 To 22 May 2010., 22 December 2010
Mohammad Hamdan And Moh'd Al-nimr. Critical Coating Radius of Spherical Particle in Thermal Radiation Environment, Journal Of Thermophysics And Heat Transfer, 2009
Mohammad Hamdan And Emad Elnajjar. Thermodynamic analytical model of a loop heat pipe, Heat And Mass Transfer, 2009
Mohammad Hamdan. Loop Heat Pipe (LHP) Modeling and Development by Utilizing Coherent Porous Silicion (CPS) Wicks, 2003
Mohammad Hamdan, Frank Gerner And Ht Henderson. Steady State Model of a Loop Heat Pipe (LHP) with Coherent Porous Silicon (CPS) Wick in the Evaporator, March 2003
Debra Cytrynowicz, Mohammad Hamdan, Praveen Medis, H Thurman Henderson, Frank Gerner And Eric Golliher. Test Cell for a Novel Planar MEMS Loop Heat Pipe Based on Coherent Porous Silicon, Expanding The Frontiers Of Space, 2 February 2003
Mohammad Hamdan, Debora Cytrynowicz, P Medis, Ahmad Shuja, Frank Gerner, H. Thurman Henderson, E. Golliher, K. Mellott And C. Moore. Loop Heat Pipe (LHP) Development by Utilizing Coherent Porous Silicon (CPS) Wicks, 2002
Mk Alkam, Ma Al-nimr And Mohammad Hamdan. On forced convection in channels partially filled with porous substrates, Heat And Mass Transfer, 2002
Mk Alkam, Ma Al-nimr And Mo Hamdan. Enhancing heat transfer in parallel-plate channels by using porous inserts, International Journal Of Heat And Mass Transfer, 2001
Mohammad Alkam, Mohd Alnimr And Mohammad Hamdan. Enhancing forced convection by inserting porous substrate in the core of a parallel-plate channel, International Journal Of Numerical Methods For Heat & Fluid Flow, 1 May 2000
Mohammad Hamdan. Non-darcian forced convection in parallel plate channels partially filled with a porous medium, 1999
Grants and sponsorships
Grant, Enhancement of CNG ICE Using Hydrogen From Photovoltaic-Powered Electrolysis, AUS-CEN-URG-F22-05, January 2023 - December 2023
Grant, Turbocharger Based Turbojet Engine, AUS-CEN-URG-F22-11, January 2023 - December 2023
Grant, Advancing Aerospace Component Inspection Using a Novel Two-dimensional Eddy Current Thermography Approach, AUS-FRG21, June 2021 - 2023
Grant, Maximizing Bifacial Photovoltaic Performance under GCC Soiling Conditions, AUS-FRG20, June 2020 - June 2023
Grant, MCE Research High Performance Computation lab, AUS, January 2023 - May 2023
Grant, MCE Teaching High Performance Computation lab, AUS, January 2023 - May 2023
Grant, An Experimental Evaluation of Advanced Rotating Gas Turbine Leading Edge Exposed to different Impingement Cooling Configurations, UPAR Grant (UAEU), March 2022
Grant, Employing Earth Water Heat Exchanger to reduce Power Consumption of Air-conditioning System, AUS-FRG18, June 2018 - June 2020
Awards and Honors
Best Paper Award Winners, MHMT'22 Congress, You can access the award online by visiting the following link: https://enfht.com/past-events/#Awards, April 2022
Active faculty, ASME student chapter at AUS, MCE Students and Faculty Annual Assembly, February 2020
Collaborative faculty, ASME student chapter at AUS, MCE Students and Faculty Annual Assembly, February 2020
The first place award in the 3rd Renewable Energy Competition, the American University of Ras Al Khaimah (AURAK)., November 2019
Best Paper Award Winners, MHMT'19 Congress, You can access the award online by visiting the following link: https://enfht.com/past-events/#Awards, 12 April 2019
Best Paper Award Winners, MHMT'18 Congress, 14 April 2018
Most Flexible Professor, ASME - AUS chapter, ASME Annual Student Faculty Meeting, 20 February 2018
Most Influential Professor for Spring 2016 (ASME-UAEU survey), 2016, ASME-UAEU student chapter, 15 June 2016