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AUS holds luncheon for Spring 2012 graduating class
In preparation for the Spring 2012 Commencementceremony to be held this weekend, American University of Sharjah (AUS) held aluncheon to honor the graduating class today, June 7, at the university.
The luncheon, which was organized by the AUS Officeof Development and Alumni Affairs (ODAA), honored the 506 undergraduate andgraduate students who will be graduating on Saturday, June 9. Their parents,relatives and friends also attended the luncheon.
The event also saw eight distinguished graduates beinghonored for their academic excellence and for graduating with honors at the topof their class. They were: Zainab Nuruddeen Abdurrahman, Reena Anis Sachedina,and Aleena Nasir Khan of the School of Business and Management; Bayan AbdulazizKattan, and Ghaith Nu'man Hattab of the College of Engineering; Vidya Diwakarof the College of Arts and Sciences; Suheyla Takesh of the College of Arts,Architecture and Design; and Sabika Zehara who received the Unilever Leadershipand Community Service Award for her extra-curricular activities. The awardswere sponsored by Unilever.
"I would like to welcome graduating seniors, theirparents, friends and faculty to this graduation luncheon, a luncheon given tohonor the achievements of those young men and women graduating on Saturday,"said Dr. Peter Heath, AUS Chancellor.
Dr. Heath told the graduating class that he expectedthem to join the many graduates of AUS in doing their best to serve theircommunities and lift high the AUS banner. "As alumni you will join more than 7,000AUS alumni who are already making a mark in the world, among them are Salah AlShamsi, who chaired the Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce and Industry; SheikhMohammed Al Maktoum, the First Secretary at the UAE Embassy in London; Reem AlGhaith whose artwork is being exhibited in the most famous art salons in Paris,London, and New York; Saud Al Nuwais, now the UAE Commercial Attaché inWashington, D.C.; and Tofol Al Nasr who works as an International GovernmentRelations Advisor at the ExxonMobil Corporation in Washington, D.C., as well,"he said.
"You will join the few AUS alumni who've earned PhDsand the others who are earning Masters and PhDs. You will join the many otherAUS alumni successfully pursuing their lives in many countries around theworld. You will be part of the AUS Alumni Association, which has recentlyelected their second board in order to continue to engage more and moregraduates with their fellow alumni and their alma mater," said Dr. Heath.
Speaking at the luncheon, Dr. Nada Mourtada-Sabbah,AUS Vice Chancellor for Development and Alumni Affairs, supported the chancellor'smessage to the graduating students as she reminded them to use skills gained atAUS to solve the problems of their community. "As AUS's youngest alumni-to-be,you in the Class of 2012 bear the indelible imprint of four or five years spentas intensive learners and questioners. Your diploma signifies that you havemastered free inquiry, originality, responsibility and personal integrity. Youare entering the productive phase of your life where your flexibility andautonomy of mind and spirit, perfected at AUS, will be used to solve society'sproblems wherever you call home. You will give back to society what has beeninvested in your education and in cultivating your particular genius."
"Rest assured that you will not face the demands ofsociety and business alone. You will have your co-workers to assist you, andperhaps more importantly, you will continue as a member of the AUS family forthe rest of your life. You are thus armed with the vital network of your fellowalumni and professors to share insights and resources," she added. "Congratulationson your impending graduation and congratulations on becoming an AUS alumna oralumnus. Remember, you have new worlds to explore and conquer but AUS willremain your second home and your most active supporter in your career."
Speaking on behalf of Unilever, the event'ssponsors, Sanjiv Mehta, Chairman of Unilever North Africa and Middle East,shared with the graduates few tips on things to do to prepare for the future.He told the graduates to work hard with pride, passion and courage; tochallenge the known and embrace the unknown; to commit themselves to continuouslearning; never to let their past define their future as well as to play to winbut to win with fairness.
"In all these, remember, a sense of humor goes along way. So don't forget to have a sense of humor and be able to laugh at yourselfat times," said Mehta.