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AUSAA council members elect their third board
The American University of Sharjah Alumni Association (AUSAA) held its third election on May 31, 2014 at the university campus. Administered by the Office of Development and Alumni Affairs (ODAA), the officers were elected by the members of the AUSAA Council to represent the 9,500 graduates of the university for the next two years. The new council members are:
Alumnus Samer El Gamal, '03 CEN, President
Alumna Anita Akkawi, '05 CAS, Vice President
Alumnus Ahmed Al Riyami, '08 CEN, Executive of the Council
Alumnus Ahmed Al Naqbi, '02 CEN, Treasurer
Alumna Dana Taleb, '04 CAAD, Executive of Administration
Dr. Thomas Hochstettler, AUS Acting Chancellor, extended his congratulations to members of the newly elected board and wished them well in fulfilling their responsibilities of taking the AUS Alumni Association to further heights of excellence, distinction, and achievement. "I am pleased at the great sense of professionalism and collegiality which shows that the dynamic association reflects very positively upon its alma mater in that it regularly involves several thousands of its members in its governance and in many activities," remarked Dr. Hochstettler.
AUS Vice Chancellor for Development and Alumni Affairs, Dr. Nada Mourtada-Sabbah, expressed her satisfaction at the high level of participation and involvement of the AUS alumni in this election where a number of outstanding candidates competed. She also thanked the council members for taking time out to take part in the third elections of the board, especially as a few had come from overseas to vote. "AUS alumni leaders, as the university's youngest ambassadors, continue to play an important role in enhancing the reputation of AUS in the region and beyond. You, our educated alumni, will take the necessary improvements for society when it comes to your turn in assuming the mantle of leadership," said Dr. Mourtada-Sabbah.
AUS Alumnus Samer El Gamal, AUSAA President-elect, thanked his fellow council members for the confidence they entrusted him with and pledged to commit every effort to leading the AUS Alumni Association to the highest spheres of excellence and fulfillment.
Furthermore, AUS Alumna Anita Akkawi, AUSAA Vice President-elect asserted her commitment to serve her alma mater under the leadership of the new AUSAA Board President, and to continue to enhance the significant accomplishments of the AUSAA.
Acting Chancellor Hochstettler and Vice Chancellor Mourtada also expressed their sincere gratitude to members of the previous AUSAA Board under the leadership of AUSAA President Ahmed Al Jbori for their accomplishments during the past year.